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Tiskets & Taskets: May 2022

Faith Preschool

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe we have two weeks left of this school year. What a terrific year! It has flown by with many joys and challenges, and praise to God who has sustained us through them all. I commend all of our parents, teachers, and children who showed up with tremendous flexibility, resilience, and positivity throughout this year. Our Faith family has worked together to make this one incredible school year we will never forget.

Thank you again for the joy that you bring to all of us at Faith Preschool and for entrusting your precious children to our care. We wish you and your child a most rewarding and promising future. The children are the light and life of our school and it is a joy to love them, encourage them, and help them grow into who God has created them to be. Thank you for allowing us to teach them each and every day! Have a blessed summer and hold your loved ones close.

Blessings and love,

Allison Lee


Teacher Appreciation Week

A special thanks to Jessica Hooker for heading up Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you to all parents who helped and made us all feel so loved and appreciated.

A special thanks to our homeroom parent coordinators this school year: We appreciate YOU. Thank you for your help in making our school a safe, successful, and fun place to be.

Annual Survey Time

Be on the lookout for the annual survey in your inbox soon! You are a valued member of our community and we appreciate your feedback!

Step up for Students

Faith Preschool & Kindergarten is an approved school to offer the STEP UP FOR STUDENTS scholarships to qualified families & students.

For more information, please check out the SUFS website at We also have preschool scholarships for those interested. Please talk to Allison in the office if you would like more information.

A special thank you to our wonderful Preschool Board for their commitment and service to our school! We are grateful for you!


Classroom News

Two Year Olds with Ms. Fenstermaker and Ms. Baker

Happy May everyone! Somehow we are in the last month of school already as this year felt like it just flew by. It has been such a pleasure getting to know each child and watching them grow. They change and mature so much during their two year old year and it’s so fun to be a part of.

Our year is not over yet, however, and we still have some fun things planned as we wrap up. Our unit we are on currently is all about moms and our upcoming holiday: Mother’s Day. We want to celebrate our wonderful moms and make sure they feel so loved and appreciated! Our last unit will be Ocean Life which is always so much fun. Our room will be surrounded by all things that swim in the sea. To go with our underwater theme we’ll be having a super fun water day on Monday the 16th at 11:30. Parents will be getting an email with more details very soon. We also have our program coming up on May 11th so be sure to look out for details on that!

We’ve had such a wonderful year and we are so thankful for all of you!

Dates to remember:

May 11th: Spring Program

May 16th: Water Day

Two Year Olds with Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Roberts

Happy May! We are excited to begin the month of May with Muffins for Moms on Friday May 6th at 8:45. We will be hosting our moms and/or grandmas in the classroom and have been working hard on special projects to show them how much we love them! May 11th is the Faith Preschool Spring Program. The twos classes will be performing at 9:30 in the sanctuary and are ready to dazzle you with songs about the summer sun!

We are learning all about water and ocean life this month. We will be painting pufferfish using kitchen forks, fishing in our classroom, and doing lots of water sensory play. Our End of the Year Party/Splash Day will be May 16th at 11:00. We would love for you to come join us for some water fun outside by the gazebo! This is such a fun time for your child to relax and let loose with their friends before we kick off summer!

Mrs. Roberts and I have been so incredibly blessed to teach your children this year. They have all shown tremendous progress and growth and developed such sweet friendships along the way. Teaching twos truly is a joy every day and we appreciate your trust, confidence, and support!

Three Year Olds with Mrs. Larkin and Ms. Fannin

May finds us learning about sea life and the many creatures that live in the ocean. We will be enjoying the sunny days outdoors with fun experiences with water, easel painting, blowing bubbles and caring for the garden, along with reviewing colors, shapes and the numbers 1-10.

The children have been hard at work making a special gift for all our super moms! We will be celebrating your special day on May 6th at 8:45 and we hope you can join us for muffins and a few surprises.

It is hard to believe the school year will be ending soon and we would like to thank all our families for your help in making this a successful school year and for sharing your sweet ones with us. It is a treasure to see their smiling faces each and every day while watching them grow throughout the year.

Three Year Olds with Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Rowan

We began the month of April with two weeks of celebrating the glorious Easter Season! Every day we talked about “The Easter Story” - sharing how much Jesus loves us and the miraculous GOOD NEWS of his resurrection. One of the ways we illustrated this miracle was with the baking of resurrection rolls. We celebrated the discovery of the hollow roll and the empty tomb. The kids enjoyed singing the “Hallelujah song” and having their families join them for chapel!

Once we understood the reason for celebrating, we did just that – celebrated! The class had fun dying their own hard-boiled eggs, having pretend hunts in the classroom and dressing up in bunny ears and bonnets. We spent a lot of time hopping to Easter songs at circle. Thank you to George’s family for bringing baby chicks for us to hold, pet and feed. We ended the week with a great egg hunt and an ice-cream sundae party! Thank you to Wilder and Hannah’s family for the delicious supplies.

The final two weeks of April we studied the life and growth of bugs and plants. We particularly looked at the parts and life cycles of these living things. The kids learned about the life cycle of a butterfly, a ladybug, and a plant. We have a ladybug habitat in the room, where we have watched larva turn into pupa and then finally baby ladybugs! Thank you to families for bringing in your “dead bugs” and your plants for our garden. Thank you to Reagan’s family for providing snack supplies for this unit. The children loved eating ladybug apples and wiggly worm mud pies!

May, our last month, is here! We have been so blessed to learn and grow this year with your precious children!

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Cherry and Mrs. Poucher

VPK is the place to be! We just wrapped up our year-long Alphabet Study and now we are using all that we learned to write, read and play. We also enjoyed our Garden Unit where your children were hands on in the dirt learning how things grow and how to take care of God’s beauty in nature.

This week we are celebrating our moms with a special morning together and starting our last unit on Coastal Creatures. There is still so much learning and fun to be had as we go off into Summer. It has been an absolute JOY to be trusted to teach your children this year and I am so grateful for the relationships that have developed along the way. This class has taught us just as much as we have taught them and we could not be prouder of all the ways that they have grown this year. This group of kids and families is truly a gift. Thank you!

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Bearss and Mrs. Jacobs

How incredible that this year is already coming to a close! May is full of so much goodness-make sure you check the calendar carefully this month as there is a lot going on, and we want you there for all of the fun!

This week we have wrapped up our final VPK assessments! Now we are looking eagerly forward to hosting our moms this Friday, May 6th, at 11:30 AM for our Mommy and Me Bagel Brunch. This is always a truly sweet way to begin the Mothers Day weekend with your child.

The last day of VPK is Friday, May 20th. The last day of the Lunch Bunch and Stay and Play programs is Wednesday, May 18th.

The last two weeks of school we will be working on a short ocean theme. Shell exploration and discovery, sinking and floating experiments, and all kinds of sea life will be the focus! This will lead us nicely into our last day of VPK luau. Look for a sign-up genius and more information coming soon!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sharing your children with Mrs. Jacobs and I this year! They are an amazing group and it has been a true blessing watching them grow and learn!

Four Year Olds with Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. Engelker

Happy May! Our final month of school finds us celebrating our Moms and studying Sea Life. We will also be very busy practicing for our spring music program. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall on May 11th at 11:00 to hear our beautiful singers.

We finished the alphabet! What an accomplishment. The children were so very proud of the books they created throughout the year (a page for each letter) and they were so excited to share them at home.

Thank you to the Branham and Evans families for our Easter party snack. Also, thank you to all of our guest readers!

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the year together. We have made new friends and learned so many things. Thank you for allowing your child to be a part of our class family this year. As we wind the year down We will be celebrating our summer birthdays and having a special end of the year party during our last week of school.

***** Wishing everyone a wonderful summer!! Don't forget to read for enjoyment with your child!

Kindergarten with Mrs. Hamrick and Mrs. McConnaughhay

We have had an amazing school year and we cannot believe it is almost over! It has been so fun to watch the children grow and learn. We feel so blessed to have been able to teach such a WONDERFUL and SWEET class! This is another busy month for Kindergarten. First, we will be celebrating our Mom’s this week with a special treat at drop off. Then, we will have Parent/Teacher conferences next week and the following week.

Next week, we will also celebrate these wonderful Kindergartners with a Graduation ceremony on Wednesday, May 11th and our VPK friends on Wednesday, May 18th. Our class party will be on Thursday, May 19th at 9:30. Although we are sad to see them go, we are very proud of them and wish them all the best. We hope each of you will have a safe and relaxing summer and thank you for sharing your children with us this year!

Music with Mrs. Lloyd

Hello Faith families,

May is a very musical month!

For the remainder of our time in music classes we will be rehearsing our lines, remembering our sign language and dance moves, and singing beautiful melodies together. We are focusing on the musical concepts of Melody and Pitch and how they help us remember the tune of a song.

The end of our school year will culminate in our Spring Program. The students have all been working so hard on learning their songs, and we are excited to showcase them during the program. Please join us on Wednesday May 11th in the Sanctuary as we celebrate and sing songs about the sunshine and the true Light of the World.

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Copyright 2022 Faith Presbyterian Church Preschool and Kindergarten. All Rights Reserved.

Photography by: Brian Miller & Inger Avant


2200 North Meridian Rd Tallahassee FL 32303

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