Our first week at Faith Presbyterian Preschool & Kindergarten has started and every one is so excited to be back together for the new school year! It is so nice to see the children rekindle old friendships and make forge new ones as well – and we love seeing our children greet each other with hugs and smiles in the classrooms each day!
The Lunch Bunch and Stay -n- Play After School Programs are both available each day as is the Early Morning Drop-Off Program. If you feel the need to use any of these excellent programs for your child for before or after school care – please see Sandy in the office. For more information on the Stay-n-Play Extended Hours – please click on the following link from our Stay-n-Play coordinator – Gaynell Larkin.
We are excited and honored that you have chosen Faith for your child’s Preschool Learning years! We look forward to blessed and fun filled year!!!